
Nieostrożność a wypadki samochodowe

Wypadki samochodowe mogą być przyczyna kalectwa bądź utraty życia nie tylko kierowcy który do niego doprowadził, ale też innych użytkowników wypadku. Z tego względu uwaga skierowana na drogę, nie przekraczanie szybkości to jedne z podstaw bezpiecznej jazdy. Każdy kto kiedykolwiek miał styczność z wypadkiem samochodowym zdaje sobie sprawę jak bardzo jest groźna taka sytuacja. Czasami […]

A car crash abroad

Today the times are unfortunately quite dangerous and never know when spills we car crash abroad . None of us is not able to predict or prepare for this. A car crash abroad often meets us in the situation when at all the not thinking. The worst in all this is that a car crash […]

Damage report after an accident abroad

After an accident abroad in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, many Poles, victims often do not know what to do, how to begin the process of liquidation of damages. The first thing in this case most often do, this report formed abroad damage to your insurance company, which – as they think – does the rest. […]

The reasons for which we can apply for compensation in Germany

Obtaining compensation in Germany as a result of a car accident is not easy. Most often you have to demonstrate to the court that the compensation that we need, as obtained in this way will dedicate funds to buy a new car, further treatment or rehabilitation. But it is worth to know the reasons why […]

Replacement car for the duration of car repair or purchase another vehicle

After blameless car accident in Germany each injured person should be a replacement car (at the time of repair or for the duration of the purchase of another vehicle). Under German law, the case in Germany, the injured person has the right to benefit from a replacement vehicle that will serve her time repairing the […]

Legal assistance in obtaining compensation for the cullet car abroad

You had a fender-bender car abroad, and the insurance company refused to support you and to pay due compensation? You are convinced that it is breaking the law, but do not know how you prove it? Get help from experienced lawyers who specialize in such cases. For them, matters relating to the bumps cars abroad […]

German estimates of accident repair

German repair estimates prepared by independent German automotive experts are much more favorable for Polish victims in traffic accidents in Germany than the same made by Polish experts. German estimates repairs that may be made to the citizens of our country to victims of accidents or collisions car containing German man-hourly rates, and thus are […]

Law assistance in obtaining compensation for the cullet car abroad

You had a fender-bender car abroad, and the insurance company refused to help you, and to pay due compensation? You are convinced that it is breaking the law, but do not know how you prove it? Get help from experienced lawyers who specialize in such cases. For them, matters relating to the bumps cars abroad […]

Actions taken by insurance companies when it comes to bumps car abroad

Insurance companies increasingly protect its customers against bumps car abroad. They prepare special insurance policies, but also increasingly offer to purchase more expensive insurance policy, which includes among other things, help in case of breakage car abroad. They are usually very beneficial solution for drivers who are planning a foreign trip in his own car. […]

Cullet car abroad – insurance

A very important issue for all drivers while traveling abroad will, of course, the insurance because then no cullet car abroad will not be to him as a negative experience. We will have the confidence of the fact that such insurance will cover all damages, especially when we were the victims of a car accident. […]

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